Student Spark
Sparks provide a proactive platform for classroom teachers to create intentional plans for students. Sparks also allow teachers to check in with students on their day allowing for direct interactions between the student and teacher promoting a positive exchange.
Continue positive interactions with your students each day through different virtual sparks such as:
ET finger touch
High Five
Music Video / Silly 90 seconds
Slow Clap to Fast Clap
Rock, Paper, Scissors
“You Matter” Post It Note
Big Spark
Schedule time to FaceTime each of your students once a week
Student Spark Challenge
Ask students to turn to their parent/ homeschool teachers and tell them thanks for “Subbing”
Family Spark
Encourage families to create the same opportunities to build and sustain relationships with each other like you and your students do. During this time of constant close quarters, welcome this idea of expressing gratitude to each other through a spark.
Although a typical face to face spark would include a fist bump or high five, during this time we encourage touching elbows, a virtual high five or a fun dance move.
Below are examples of family sparks that all family members can participant in:
Surprise Kids with Breakfast in Bed
Bathroom spark- each person leaves a note on the bathroom mirror
Big Family Spark
Allocate each person of the family a cup and give each member a piece of paper/post it note. Each family member write an encouraging note or word to lift up each member of the family and place in its corresponding cup.