Two Minute Connections
Two Minute Connections are designed to take place daily in each of your classes. Yes, you read that correct - daily.
We believe that investing two minutes each day brings more value than attempting to build or sustain community through other practices once a week or monthly. The key is to build and sustain relationships in micro-frequencies realistically for teachers at all grade levels.
(TIP: Continue using the 2 minute connection virtually by starting with a simple question at the beginning of your Zoom session or end the session with one.)
In this exercise, you will create questions to share with your students. There are a variety of ways to collect Two Minute Connection questions. As an educator we believe that the best way to generate these questions are to have the students develop and collect them in some type of container.
(TIP: To apply digitally, have a different student provide a connection question each day.)
There are some teachers, especially at the high school level, that are more comfortable just having the TMC questions generated for them by other educators or resources.
Examples of Questions
Are you a dog or a cat person?
What’s your favorite number?
Nike or Adidas?
What’s your favorite restaurant?
Vegetables of fruits?